NNUF End of Project Symposium 🎉
Yesterday was the last day of the National Nuclear User Facility (NNUF) End of Project Symposium! BND’s Dr Stacy Moore attended as a representative of the University of Bristol’s Active Nano Mapping (ANM) NNUF.
The ANM at the University of Bristol is home to a Bristol Nano Dynamics Mark 5N dynamic scanning probe microscope – this microscope is specifically designed to accept radioactive specimens ☢️ with acrylic and lead shielding to keep users safe while imaging! 🥼

Over the course of NNUF, the ANM facility has had a wide range of users from different universities and industries, utilising many of the D-SPM’s capabilities including: measuring dynamic processes in-situ and in liquid environments, parallel potentiostatic control, simultaneous topographic and thermal/electrical conductivity mapping, heated stage, imaging under tensile stress, and more… ✨
Overall, NNUF has been a great success! 🎉 We hope that this facility continues to see new users and generate new and exciting research applications. We love to see your amazing results!
If you would like to know more about our technology, including our latest model of Dynamic-SPM: Vector, check out our Vector page!