Our New Lead Staff Scientist

Our new lead Staff Scientist – Dr Stacy Moore

We’re excited to welcome Dr Stacy Moore to our team as our dedicated Lead Staff Scientist for Vector, our flagship microscope 🔬. Stacy will be leading engagement with our customers and guiding them through experimental design, measurement collection, and data analysis.

Stacy is two-time winner of the Jack Galloway Award from the Institute of Corrosion🏅 and was awarded an EPSRC Doctoral Prize Fellowship for her exceptional work in scanning probe microscopy (SPM). She is an expert operator of Dynamic-SPMs, particularly for complex challenges such as the direct observation of nanoscale corrosion events.

Right now, she is designing our imaging as a service offering (soon to be available on our website). Keep an eye on this space!

We’re very excited to see what we can achieve working together! 🎉